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Deep Knowledge Group December 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the end-of-the-year edition of the Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) newsletter, and join us for a concise summary of notable achievements and activities over 2023, an early taste of the major announcements, project launches and things to come for 2024, and a joint celebration of the power and practical potential of accelerated DeepTech Industrialization, Financial Commoditization, Analytics and Techno-Philanthropy for Social Good.

2023 has been a transformative year for Deep Knowledge Group, featuring:

  • The launch of a host of new projects at the intersection of AI, Data Science and deep analytics

  • New Techno-Philanthropy projects and platforms,

  • Ongoing thought-leadership through events and op-eds in top-tier media

  • The establishment of new companies and subsidiaries

  • Substantial progress on a number of stealth AI, Longevity and DeepTech platforms, initiatives and deep analytics and novel financial instructure projects.

In these times of newfound strife, ongoing turbulence and deep-rooted challenge, we invite you to break bread with us over the universal humanitarian potential of DeepTech, the promise of equitably governed and justly accelerated technological progress, and the hope of real socioeconomic impact and transformation through Frontier Science and Technology that forms the driving engine behind every single inch and ounce of the work we do.

Dozens of New Frontier Science and Technology Analytics, Ecosystem Mapping, IT-Platforms and Special Analytical Case Studies

As always, DKG’s 10+ analytical subsidiaries and spin-offs produced a steady stream of novel region and domain-specific DeepTech industry ecosystem research, analytics and mapping in the form of IT-Platforms and special case studies.

The representative sample of analytical projects below is just a sample of what they had to offer throughout the year, in their pursuit of equipping advanced science and technology decision makers across industry, finance and policy with the deepest, most comprehensive and up to date analytics, market intelligence and insights to optimize their strategy and navigate the complex waters of accelerating innovation:

New DeepTech Dashboards and Significant Expansion of our AI and Data Science Department

Deep Knowledge Group remains committed as always to developing and deploying reliably sophisticated and multidimensional Big Data analytics, AI, Machine Learning and Reinforcement-Learning driven technological forecasting and benchmarking of DeepTech, Longevity and related technology-for-high-social-impact industries, pioneering the fundamental tools required for strategic decision making in these unprecedentedly complex and innovation-driven sectors, laying the foundation and basis for defining and understanding the coming DeepTech Revolution.

2023 saw substantial enhancements and expansions occur in DKG’s AI and Deep Data-Science Division (AI-3D), our #1 strategic asset upholding DKG’s mandate to be the ‘DeepMind of DeepTech’, and the foundational engine underlying its vision as a data-driven Longevity and DeepTech-focused financial and mathematical corporation, including:

  • Significant departmental expansion and the addition on new AI, machine learning and deep learning specialists, technologists and econometric scientists

  • The development and validation of dozens of novel algorithms for advanced technology forecasting and benchmarking, DeepTech market monitoring and industry comparative, competitive, qualitative and quantitative (QQCC) analysis, and advanced data visualization

  • The launch of a number of new DeepTech Big Data Analytics Systems and Dashboards

Uniquely, we consider ourselves among a small vanguard of organizations whose mission and vision is truly defined by its Data Science and technological forecasting experts, rather than the other way around. We do not simply use data analytics to support our goals; we use it to define and drive them. In a sense, you can consider that DKG's Board of Directors reports to its data, analytics and science/technology forecasting specialists, and not the other way around.

In 2023, we proved this mandate to be true in bigger ways than ever before. Keep an eye out for additional DeepTech Dashboard launches and announcements in the coming months, and in the meantime, learn more about our current suite of subscription options and white label solutions for state of the art DeepTech industry monitoring, market intelligence, analytics, benchmarking and forecasting here:

Techno-Philanthropy and DeepTech for Social Good

2023 also saw a significant strengthening of DKG’s DeepTech for Social Good and Techno-Philanthropy divisions. Foremost among these was the official launch of Philanthropy.International, a first of its kind open-source, decentralized and nonprofit industry knowledge, analytics, community building and impact-matching platform launched by DKG’s dedicated Techno-Philanthropy subsidiary, Deep Knowledge Philanthropy.

In Q4 2023 Philanthropy.International released the largest-ever mapping of the Global Philanthropy Ecosystem, offering interactive, searchable and filterable databases and profiles of 100,000 beneficiary organizations, 50,000 donors, 5,000 investors with purpose, and 4,000 Techno-Philanthropy organizations. This release also includes a range of interactive mindmaps designed to provide users with a comprehensive view of the global philanthropy ecosystem based on sectors, social causes and regional distribution.

It also launched in limited beta format its dedicated Techno-Philanthropy Impact-Matching Platform, which plans to use AI-driven smart-matching technologies coupled with unparalleled social impact benchmarking analytics to connect charities, nonprofits, sponsors, donors and volunteers of the philanthropy industry, with a priortiized focus on organizations operating under the mandate of Techno-Philanthropy, using technology to deliver 10x-50x the social impact on humanity than the philanthropy ecosystem average, and the commitment to use the latest proprietary DeepTech innovations to further progress in the socially-inclusive development of DeepTech itself and the delivery of technologies' foremost humanitarian impacts in an accelerated, smarter, and more efficient manner. Parties interested in being among the first to access the beta version of the platform, or to discuss partnership opportunities on this initiative more broadly, can contact Philanthropy.International here.

Lastly, Philanthropy.International also supported the launch of Invest-in-Ukraine.Tech, a platform designed to connect global investors with Ukraine's AI and DeepTech ecosystem and provide comprehensive access to data on venture capital and private equity markets in the region, anchored in the belief that Ukraine possesses vast untapped potential in the fields of AI and DeepTech. The goal of this unique platform is to channel more investment into these promising sectors, fostering a robust Ukrainian tech ecosystem.

DeepTech and Longevity Financial Commoditization Projects

Deep Knowledge Group is decisively committed to establishing the core investment and financial industry infrastructure (platforms, indices, exchanges, financial instruments and derivatives) needed to execute the concept of DeepTech and Longevity Financial Commoditization, reflected in its pursuit of a truly ecosystemic approach through its various financial service divisions to establish an integral financial infrastructure to support the commoditization of the DeepTech and Longevity Industries as fundamentally new asset classes.

In 2022 Deep Knowledge Group established DeepTech and Longevity Industry Financial Advisors (DTLFA) to act as the practical vehicle for purpose, to support the accelerated development of DeepTech and Longevity Industrialization, the establishment of an integral financial infrastructure for their further growth and stabilisation, in order to expedite the emergence of DeepTech and Longevity as new asset classes in and of themselves.

After a flurry of activity in 2022, including the inauguration of Longevity Financial Club, with key events in Geneva, Zurich, London’s landmark Shard building, Oxford and Cambridge Club and the UK House of Lords, among others), DTLFA has been hard at work this year on a number of major novel DeepTech financial infrastructure projects that will be ready for launch in 2024. That is all we can say on this matterat the moment, but keep a keen eye out in the coming months for key announcements, and feel free to reach out for additional information under NDA, which will be granted on a case-by-case basis to serious counterparties with vested interests in learning about novel financial infrastructure tuned to DeepTech, AI and Longevity industries.

Another Year of Top-Tier DeepTech Thought-Leadership

2023 marked another year of world-class thought leadership on the topics of DeepTech, AI, Longevity and the 5th Industrial Revolution from Deep Knowledge Group General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy and its other senior managers, with participation in several major conferences and events, and a steady stream of articles forecasting the challenges, opportunities and risk-balancing solutions surrounding accelerated technological progress.

Here are just a few highlights from the year:

  • Deep Knowledge Group’s participation in the Forbes Middle East Healthcare Summit co-hosted by PureHealth, and its General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy’s participation in their ‘Future Ready Healthcare Systems for Longer, Healthier Lives” panel.

  • Prominent coverage of Aging Analytics Agency’s Global Diabetes Industry Overview 2023 platform and special analytical case study in The Guardian.

  • Coverage of Deep Pharma Intelligence research and analytics in not one but two articles in Bloomberg.

  • Numerous articles and op-eds by DKG General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy in top-tier media on the coming DeepTech Revolution, navigating complexity during the recent AI Industrialization tsunami, and preparing for (and in some cases actively manifesting) our coming transition into the 5th Industrial Revolution, including (among others) Arabian Business, Entrepreneur Magazine, MIT Technology Review, Fortune Arabia, Gulf News, Henley & Partners and more.

  • Ongoing support of external thought leadership in support of diverse voices in the DeepTech space through Deep Knowledge Group’s 2022-2023 sponsorship of the Oxford Society of Ageing and Longevity, which hosted talks with Founding Father of Genetics George Church and viral tech billionaire Bryan Johnson, among others.

  • Deep Knowledge Group, Aging Analytics Agency and Longevity.International’s sponsorship and participation of the landmark Longevity Nation conference in Israel in Q1 2023, which brought together many Longevity thought-leaders including our own Dmitry Kaminskiy, Nir Barzilai, Ilia Stambler, Aubrey de Grey and many others.

  • Participation by Deep Knowledge Group partners and department heads in a number of conferences throughout the year, including Kate Batz at Hanon Wade’s 5th Annual Age-Releases Disease Therapeutics Summit and Alex Cresniov at leading GovTech conference Horasis 2023.

Launch of AI Industry Analytics (AiiA) and World’s Largest Mapping of Global AI Ecosystem

After many months of stealth preparation DKG launched a new analytical subsidiary in Q4 2023, AI Industry Analytics (AiiA), which combines the power of sophisticated industry monitoring with machine learning algorithms and advanced techniques to provide unparalleled solutions in real time on the exponentially expanding AI economy.

DKG also supported the launch of a new non-profit entity, Global AI Ecosystem Association, which on the basis of data provided by AiiA released the largest ever mapping of the global AI industry landscape to date, structured as an open-source platform which includes interactive mindmaps, databases and profiles of 50,000 companies, 20,000 investors, 2,000 AI leaders, 2,500 R&D hubs, 300 governmental organisations and 2000 industry leaders, searchable data and libraries of the newest AI tools, APIs, educational courses, media resources, books, conferences and communities, real-time AI news feeds and more.

The launch of these two new organisations is a testament to Deep Knowledge Group’s belief in the transformative power of AI - the ultimate meta-technology, capable of stabilizing, de-risking and accelerating progress in countless tech industries and non-commercial domains (such as techno-philanthropy).

It represents our dedication to advancing the AI industry, its structuring and commoditization, nurturing talent, encouraging greater technological access, promoting more balanced, democratised and fair collaboration, and propelling us into a future where ai-driven solutions benefit global society as a whole - from citizens to national economies.

Expect many more project launches and announcements from these two entities in the coming months.

Launch of GovTech Analytics

Also in Q4 2023, DKG launched a second new analytical subsidiary, GovTech Analytics, which offers a comprehensive array of services designed to provide in-depth insights into the Global GovTech Industry.

Its mission is to bridge the gap between governments, tech companies, and civil society organizations. By uniting industry leaders and innovators, we foster the development of cutting-edge GovTech solutions. Through collaboration and knowledge exchange, GovTech Analytics lays the foundations for a better future, believing that by empowering our communities with the right information, we can drive meaningful transformation in the GovTech sector.

Besides a host of planned open-source projects, platforms and special analytical case studies, in the new year GovTech Analytics will be engaging with regional government authorities and municipalities with vested interests in creating or maintaining world-leading GovTech assets and using the power of technology for the maximum benefit of their citizens and national or regional economies.

5th Industrial Revolution Institute’s Upcoming Long-Term Technological Forecasting System

Last year Deep Knowledge Group established 5th Industrial Revolution Institute as a dedicated vehicle for carrying forward DKG’s long-standing vision and mission to ensuring that all necessary technological and infrastructural components of the 5th Industrial Revolution are in place before the year 2030, and its mission to do as much as possible to personally and practically pave the way for its emergence.

The institute has made significant progress this year in the development of its Long-Term Technological Forecasting System, a cutting edge and first of its kind AI-driven system that uses mathematical technologies for monitoring, assessing, benchmarking and realistically forecasting the development of core DeepTech technologies and their impact on the global economy and society in order to de-risk, stabilize and accelerate the emergence of the 5th Industrial Revolution. The first of its kind in the world, the system provides a framework and suite of AI-driven data science tools for informed decision-making by governments, companies, investors and individuals.

Having been committed since 2014 to the corporate thesis of DeepTech for social impact, techno-ethical business for social good, this project represents to some extent the crowning achievement and culmination of our continual reinvestment of profits into the expansion of our core Data Science, AI and analytics assets. That is all we can say on this project at the moment, but keep a keen eye out in the first months of 2024 for key announcements, and feel free to reach out for additional information under NDA, which will be granted on a case-by-case basis to serious high-calibre counterparties seeking limited access to this technology.

Outlook for 2024

2023 has been a landmark year for Deep Knowledge Group, and we have seen a substantial strengthening of our Data Science assets, and significant progress in our ongoing work to develop the technological, financial and ecosystemic frameworks and instruments to support the accelerated development of DeepTech and Longevity Industrialization and Financial Commoditization, the establishment of an integral financial infrastructure for their further growth and stabilization, and the emergence of DeepTech and Longevity as new asset classes of themselves.

We will have much more to say in the coming months on a number of currently stealth AI, Longevity and DeepTech platforms and initiatives, deep analytics for Frontier Science and Technology decision makers across industry, entrepreneurship, investment and governance, and several novel financial instructure projects.

Keep an eye out for these in the first months of 2024, and in the meantime, thank you joining us on this reflecting back on our notable achievements and activities over 2023, and for taking the time to break bread with us over the universal humanitarian potential of DeepTech, the promise of equitably governed and justly accelerated technological progress, and the hope of real socioeconomic impact and transformation through Frontier Science and Technology that forms the driving engine behind every single inch and ounce of the work we do.

About Deep Knowledge Group

Deep Knowledge Group is a data-driven consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, BioTech, Pharma, FinTech, GovTech, SpaceTech, FemTech, Data Science, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, consulting, media, philanthropy and more.

As a mathematical corporation focused on building the bridge to the 5th Industrial Revolution, Deep Knowledge Group is decisively committed to DeepTech for Social Good, Techno-Philanthropy and DeepTech and Longevity Industry Financial Commoditization (establishing the core investment and financial industry infrastructure needed for the emergence of DeepTech and Longevity as fundamentally new asset classes).

To stay up to date on our most recent activities, project launches, events and more, and to keep in touch with the latest trends in DeepTech and Longevity Industrialization, Financial Commoditization, Data Science-driven InvestTech, as well as thought-leadership, advance views and forecasts on major technological milestones along the road toward the emergence of the 5th Industrial Revolution, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list:

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