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Our Consortium

Deep Knowledge Group is a consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, FinTech, GovTech, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, media, philanthropy and more.


Financial Activities

Analytical Subsidiaries

Aging Analytics Agency

Aging Analytics Agency

Deep Knowledge Analytics

Deep Knowledge Analytics

Deep Pharma Intelligence

Deep Pharma Intelligence

FemTech Analytics

FemTech Analytics

NeuroTech Analytics

NeuroTech Analytics

SpaceTech Analytics

SpaceTech Analytics


Biogerontology Research Foundation

5th Industrial Revolution Institute

Longevity International

Swiss Longevity Valley

Deep Knowledge Philanthropy

Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society

"In May 2014 Deep Knowledge Ventures — a Hong Kong venture-capital firm specialising in regenerative medicine — broke new ground by appointing an algorithm called VITAL to its board.

VITAL makes investment recommendations by analysing huge amounts of data on the financial situation, clinical trials and intellectual property of prospective companies. Like the other five board members, the algorithm gets to vote on whether the firm makes an investment in a specific company or not".

Yuval Noah Harari, "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow", page 322

Klaus Schwab.jpg

"Deep Knowledge Ventures, a Hong Kong- based venture capital fund that invests in life sciences, cancer research, age-related diseases and regenerative medicine has appointed an artificial intelligence algorithm called VITAL (Validating Investment Tool for Advancing Life Sciences) to its board of directors".

Klaus Schwab, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", page 149

The consortium’s major projects and initiatives grew out of the initial activities of Deep Knowledge Ventures, which was active on so many fronts of high-technology and science-driven domains that it made the decision to form dedicated subsidiaries for each of the specific domains it was involved in.

Deep Knowledge Ventures was founded in 2014 as a data-driven investment fund focused on the synergetic convergence of DeepTech, frontier technologies and renowned for the use of sophisticated analytical systems for investment target identification and due diligence.


Deep Knowledge Group


Deep Knowledge Group
Overview Teaser


Deep Knowledge Group
Overview OnePager

Major investment sectors include AI, Precision Medicine, Longevity, Blockchain and InvestTech. Major short-term interests include AI and DeepTech, with a long term strategic focus on Longevity and Precision Health.

    Deep Knowledge Group values Knowledge above profit — a vision embedded in its very name and brand

    Deep Knowledge Ventures fund considers its analytical subsidiaries among its most precious assets, marshalling the fund toward a long-term strategic vision

    Analytical subsidiaries are the knowledge engines driving the investment strategy of Deep Knowledge Group, producing open-source and proprietary analytics and advanced BigData Visualization Solutions

Our Analytical and Non-Profit Activities are powerful tools for extremely efficient and productive engagement with Governments, Progressive Top-Tier Corporations, Industry Influencers, Journalists and a wide range of other strategically relevant people and organizations.


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